Community Renovations is a fully licensed contractor specializing in residential and commercial modifications for accessible and independent living. We assist in bathroom and kitchen remodeling, offering a range of solutions to aid in navigating stairs, including stair lifts, chairs, elevators and ramps. Our crew offers barrier free construction and adaptation of existing or new environments that are suited for those with special needs. Our experts can design a room or addition suited to the special needs of handicapped people. We will formalize your criteria for renovation; our team of carpenters and craftsmen will then complete the project with the least amount of disruption to the occupants.

Barrier-free shower in bathroomCommunity Renovations can customize your home to suit your family’s changing needs when the demands of your environment create a challenge. We are committed to making your home more accessible so you can live safely and independently in the home and neighborhood you know. We specialize in accessible living design and renovations. A perfect alternative for when life’s everyday activities present additional challenges associated with living at home.

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New Construction – Barrier Free House Plans

Looking to build a new home that is barrier free? Community Renovations can work with you to make adjustments to your house plans to make sure the home of your dreams is also functional to your needs. We can work from an existing house plan or start from scratch.

Remodeling Existing Home

Modifications that can be made to make your existing home more accessible and independent. Community Renovations is experienced in all areas of home remodeling from the construction of ramps to full kitchen and bathroom remodeling.

Bathroom Remodeling


Doors to the bathroom often times need to be widened to allow for easier access into the bathroom.


Community Renovations takes careful consideration into the bathtub products we offer our clients and the manner in which they are installed to maximize on safety. Grab bars are placed to provide added support. Because of the added difficulty that higher tub walls create, we do offer walk-in tubs that have a door, which lowers the point of entry, making it easier to get in and out of the tub.

Roll-in Showers/Walk in Showers

Community Renovations has experience building roll-in showers for customers that are both functional and attractive. Often times, only a couple modifications are necessary to convert an existing shower or tub into a roll-in shower.

Toilet Seat

Making certain toilet height is properly set for you is important. Community Renovations also installs grab bars to make the use of the toilet easier.


Sinks can be modified to allow for use with a wheelchair by removing the cabinets, and sometimes the pedestal base, to allow for clearance below. It is important to keep plumbing covered and insulated for safety and appearance reasons.


Faucets that are controlled with a single lever can be installed, making it easier to turn the water on and off, as well as controlling water temperature.

Roll-under Sink/Roll-under Vanity

Constructing roll-under sinks and vanities gives the user easy access to reach faucets to properly wash their hands.

Kitchen Remodeling

Converting the kitchen into a barrier free, accessible area of your home involves removal of under the counter cabinets to allow for wheelchair access to the sink or a workspace and relocation of switches and outlets.

Roll-under Kitchen Countertop

Providing a closer reach to the kitchen countertop wheelchair users are now able to access a usable workspace and can reach areas that they were not able to before.

Wheelchair Ramps

Wheelchair ramps can be constructed in all sizes and in a variety of materials, from wood to aluminum, concrete, and composite ramps. Community Renovations works closely with you to determine the size and material to build your ramp, making sure your wheelchair ramp is not only functional, but looks nice as well.

Accessible Doors

Doorways often need to be widened to accommodate for easy access from room to room in your home. Community Renovations will work with you to adjust doorway widths to make movement throughout your home smooth and easy.

Grab Bars

Grab bars and safety bars are placed to provide support for balance and safety.

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