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How to Quickly Make Your Home Wheelchair Friendly

Making a home wheelchair friendly can be a tricky prospect, though of course the effort is certainly in service of a worthy cause. People in wheelchairs can indeed have a very difficult time navigating around a typical home, with a thousand things in their way making their journey that much more difficult. If a wheelchair-bound person is planning on moving into a new home there will likely have to be a good deal of remodeling to allow them optimal access. But what if  you don’t have the time or money for major remodeling? What if, rather than living there, a handicapped person is simply visiting you for a day or two and you want to make your home temporarily easier to traverse. You’ll be glad to know that, while your home will likely still prove to be a bit of a struggle for a handicapped individual, there are some small, cost-effective measures which can be taken to make your home at least partially accessible. Here are a few of them:













Of course, when it comes to quick, temporary changes like these you won’t be able to do everything necessary to make your home handicap-accessible. For example, sinks will likely prove difficult for a wheelchair-bound user to operate without remodeling. Your kitchen will also provide challenges, as counter space will be largely inaccessible and a good deal of appliances will likely be out of reach. However, there’s only so much that can be done. If you’re looking to make your home permanently handicap-friendly, that will take more than a bit of time and money. But if you only want the changes you make to be temporary and cheap you can and should consider the options detailed above. You won’t be able to do everything that should be done, but you’ll certainly be able to do a good deal to help.

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