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Five Barrier Free Home Additions and Their Impact

For resale purposes, adding square footage adds value to your home. After all, the real estate brokers must highlight the square footage in every brochure to justify the price of a home. However, if you can add square footage while making your home barrier free you’ll have made a tremendous difference in terms of both its resale value and its level of accessibility and usability. Increasing the square footage with barrier-free designs can greatly influence how the families and guests will be able to interact with each other, as well as the range of people who will be able to live comfortably within your home. The bedroom and bathroom are two of the most commonly converted rooms in the home. Here are three other options to consider.

Room Additions

You might want to add some rooms to the Grosse Ile MI home to meet your spatial needs. An extra bedroom is convenient, especially when you have several guests. Adding a barrier free bedroom can add a great deal to your home’s accessibility and hosting potential. Adding any room to an existing house is a daunting task. You need an architect and a contractor; plus, you must get the building permits before you install the HVAC, plumbing, and wiring. Making the room barrier free will add additional challenges. However, complete your task and your home’s accessibility and resale value will have increased dramatically.

1. Barrier free remodeling brings lots of benefits while adding the resale value.
2. Whether you want an elegant dining space or a cozy family room, this addition signifies that your Grosse Ile MI house is finally complete.

The Kitchen

If you want to make your kitchen more accessible quickly then just add a bump. The bump out is an enhancement that makes a cramped room airier and more useful. The bump out can add lots of space to the kitchen if you need to allow for extra mobility. In fact, bump outs can increase mobility with your bathroom or kitchen, making them easier for those in wheelchairs or with otherwise limited movement to navigate while simultaneously making them the rooms more comfortable for the average visitor. Installation of grab bars can also help significantly.

• A bump out can make an impact on any room and give you lots of options, such as adding a pantry in the kitchen, or creating a plush walk-in closet in the bedroom.
• By expanding your kitchen, you can make room for a dining table, seating, and storage.

Garage Conversion

Barrier free remodeling concepts in the Grosse Ile MI garage requires every ounce of creativity and ingenuity to make your vision a reality. Also, you need to invest in additional wiring, plumbing equipment, and flooring. The position of your garage will also determine how you undertake your renovation. Converting your garage with barrier-free design will significantly increased your home’s level of usability for disabled visitors. It can provide a suite for those with additional needs if the rest of your home has not yet been converted, making it a great option for those considering whether or not to make their entire home barrier free.

Overall converting your entire home to being barrier free is a large task, but Community Renovations is up to the challenge. Adapting any of these three rooms can significantly improve your home’s level of usability for those with disabilities. If you’re interested in making your home accessible to every guest then call Community Renovations. We are here to help you today.

If you want to make your home barrier-free and handicap accessible just call Community Renovations today. Find us online at, visit us in Grosse Ile, MI, or call us at (734) 732-5904.

Categories: Barrier-Free