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Handicapped Ready Home

Do Barrier-Free Design Elements Increase Your Home’s Resale Value?

If you've been considering performing a home remodel sometime soon, barrier-free redesigning methods could increase…

9 years ago

Should You Install Grab Bars in Your Home?

Grab bars are an easy way to improve the comfort and convenience of your home.…

9 years ago

The Pros of Installing Grab Bars Throughout Your Home

You have likely seen grab bars when you have used the restroom in public. These…

9 years ago

Five Barrier Free Adjustments to Consider for Your Home

If you are looking to do significant renovations in your home, one of the options…

10 years ago

Optimizing Your Home for an Elderly Occupant

As we get older, our mobility often deteriorates, making tasks which were once simple considerably…

12 years ago