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7 Home Renovations You Need to Do Before Selling

Deciding to sell your house is a big deal. Once you’ve committed, there’s a lot of work to do in order to get your house listed, find motivated buyers, and actually make it through the closing. However, before you even put your house up on the market, you should consider how to increase the value of your home.

You can do this by investing in small renovations that will result in a larger ROI. Not to mention that besides the value that they can add to your home, certain renovations can make your home more appealing to buyers, thereby improving your chances of selling quickly. With that in mind, the following are seven home renovations you should invest in:

1. Landscaping

Curb appeal is important because it’s what affects the impression people have of your property before they even decide to go inside. Some basic landscaping can help clean up your yard and make your property look like it was taken care of. This includes trimming trees and bushes, cutting the grass, fixing cracks in your walkways and driveway, repairing or repainting your fence, and even planting additional flowers or bushes to help make your property feel more inviting.

2. Repair Siding

Worn down siding is going to make your home look like an eyesore. Either repair damaged siding or replace it altogether to give your house a relatively inexpensive makeover. High-quality siding will also help protect your home more effectively while also increasing its energy efficiency.

3. Upgrade Doors and Windows

Doors and windows that are old and are obviously exhibiting wear and tear should be replaced. New doors and windows help improve the home’s safety and security. Not to mention that newer models also help increase the home’s energy efficiency by preventing air from seeping in and leaking out. The more energy-efficient your home is, the better. Additionally, new doors and windows can go a long way in boosting your property’s curb appeal.

4. Update Bathrooms

The bathroom is a very private and intimate space, which is why you’ll want to make sure it’s in tip-top shape before you show it. Besides making basic repairs, such as replacing broken tiles, you may want to consider a few updates. For example, replacing old faucets and shower heads, or even installing a new toilet or sink if the existing one is old and worn out. Updated fixtures can help make the bathroom more water-efficient as well, which is an attractive feature for buyers.

5. Improve Lighting

Poor lighting can make your home feel smaller and less welcoming. Make sure all of your light fixtures are working. You may want to consider installing new light fixtures in areas around the home that seem darker.

6. Make Minor Kitchen Renovations

The kitchen is the one room that will leave the biggest impression. The more you can do to improve the kitchen, the better. At the very least, make basic repairs if needed. You may want to consider upgrading appliances if they are old and outdated. Update the faucets and upgrade your cabinet hardware as well. The kitchen is a particularly good place to improve the lighting.

7. Repaint Interior and Exterior

Last, but not least, provide a new coat of paint to your exterior and your interior if the existing paint is beginning to show wear and tear or if the color choices are outdated.

These are seven home renovations you should consider making before you list your home for sale. Doing so can make your home more appealing to buyers and potentially increase your home’s value too. For more advice on how to increase the value of your home through renovations, contact us at Community Renovations today.

Categories: GeneralHome RemodelingResidential